"Where there is confusion, there is conflict."
When you walk into Raising Cane's you expect chicken tenders, not burgers. They excel at setting that expectation for you. You ask for a burger and they will politely tell you we don't sell burgers, we sell chicken tenders.
Like Raising Cane's we will set expectations club wide so you know what to expect of us. We offer a positive, but competitive soccer experience. We need to help you know exactly what that means and what to expect from it. For example, if you join Vegas United wanting a "win at all cost" experience, that's like walking into a Raising Cane's and demanding a burger, and we will politely tell you we don't do that.
Our members should also have expectations for us. We don't want confusion or conflict. We want clarity and a common understanding of how it works to be a member at Vegas United.
If our members (players, parents, coaches, front office, board) all do their part we will have a lot of fun. If members don't do their part we have drama. Our slogan is "Fun, Passion, Fearless" not "Screaming, Drama and Hurt Feelings".
Let's all do our part to focus on why we are here, the kids. We do that, and we've built the dream soccer club!